Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Found poems

"A Child's View of Attention Deficit," New York Times, Feb. 8, 2008


People looked at me
differently, like,

oh, she
has a disability,
oh, she’s
she’s retarded.

I mean…

I just don’t get
things as easily as others.
And I don’t think
they understood that.


What does it feel like to have . . .
feelings of isolation . . .
People looked at me differently,

like, oh, she has a disability,
oh, she’s stupid, she’s retarded.
Not only do I have a tendency to interrupt…

they’ll say it makes them feel
uncomfortable. . . and I’ll have it
the rest of my life.

struggles with homework
ability to make friends
coping strategies

“Report to the special ed office”
focus when you’re zoned out
get a friend who understands

I just don’t get things as easily
as others. And I don’t think
they understood that.

What does it feel like to have
Attention Deficit Disorder?

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