Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blogs with a theme

Student bloggers, some of you despair of finding something worthwhile to write about. Some of you worry that you have to think of something new to say. You wrote about the game, or the movie, or the roommate last week--what to write about this week? Must you pick something entirely new.

Well, not necessarily.

I wanted to point you to a couple blogs to you to suggest that you can write about the same topic every week. In fact, a lot of people create blogs to write about a particular topic they know a lot about or care about.

Say you want to write about fashion. Tavi, a 13-year-old blogger, does that on style rookie.

Maybe you wrote about the Colts last week. You can't write about them again. Why not? Did you know that ESPN has an AFC South blog?

Do you watch a lot of movies? You could blog about what you've seen recently, like this guy. Read a lot of comics? Play a lot of video games?

Do you eat?

Chances are you do something, know something, think about something. Something that you could blog about.

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