Monday, September 14, 2009

Memoir: Beginnings and endings

Her are some ideas from our class discussion. To begin a memoir, you can -

* Start with a related memory that relates to the theme of your memoir
* Start with a snapshot
* Start at the beginning of the story with
- Context
- Action
- Dialogue
* Start in the middle or at the end, then go back to the beginning
* Foreshadow the event with a reflection, teaser sentence, or "thesis statement"

To end a memoir, you can -

* Reflect on what you learned, or how you felt
* End abruptly after resolving the key question or conflict
* End with a question or mystery relating to an unresolved question
* Recall a moment in the present that relates to your memory
* End with the last action or dialogue

However you end, it is a good idea to connect your ending to your beginning.

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